~ 5th Day ~
Church parking lot, downtown Colorado Springs, and the amazing Leighs
Today was a much slower pace than the last 4 days, still it was packed with a variety of mission fields, meeting new friends, and learning to rely more and more on the God and less and less on myself.
I woke up in the parking lot of the "Focus On The Family" campus cause the coolness of the night was traded for the heat of the morning sun. Tumbler is kind of like a toaster oven in the morning. Once the sun is up, it's a slow rise in temperature till....POP!!!...I just have to get up and get out. Because the Walmart bathroom and fruit isle weren't available, I drove to a gas station to splash some water on my face, change clothes and grab an apple and cup of not strong enough coffee.
The conference at New Life Church was still buzzing and bouncing. I had my vitamins and protein shake once I got to the parking lot and wrote the "4th Day" post but the battery on the loaned MyFi gizmo konked out on me right as I was about to push the post button. I knew if I unplugged my laptop, that I would lose the whole post (and of course, it wasn't short), so I left it plugged in as well as the MyFi to charge. The dilemna was that I knew I needed to be inside the church for many reasons, but that meant I would have to leave my truck running in the parking lot. Ok God, I'm not trying to test your protection from thieves, but I'm going in, and I trust you will have angels on guard of Tumbler! I grabbed the spare key, strapped on my backpack and walked away (with a few tentative glances back at my buddy). I knew this faith walk could literally have turned into a me walking by faith without my truck.
I was inside for over an hour. Mostly walking up and down the maze of halls praying for the kids gathered there. There were tables with different ministries and organizations scattered all about. I stopped at one called "Every Home For Christ" and knew I was there for more than to gain info about this stellar ministry. A sweet girl named Grace came over and she told me about the prayer calendar (different countries every day of the year). She asked me where I was from... guess I don't look like a Coloradoian! I told her and started to give her the cliff-notes on the "West Coast Rock Tour" when Josh (her ministry partner) came over and started listening. He asked a slew of questions, and somehow we got on the topic of overseas mission trips. Grace went to talk with another person who had come to their table, but Josh and I kept sharing more and more about our passion for people. In the midst of our conversation about Africa as well as Trinidad and Tabago, two young guys suddenly started doing an interpretive dance to the music playing from their small portable radio. Here were two punk, skater-looking guys dancing for the Lord... and a crowd quickly gathered around them blocking Josh and I from seeing the second half. We both had this huge smile on our faces when our eyes met again cause it's so cool to see young people using their talents to bring glory to God. We started back up from where we had left off, but I noticed that when the music stopped, the crowd started cheering and walking away, that the two guys just picked up their radio and humbly walked off... smiling and their eyes looking up to the brim of their slanted hats.
Seeing the attitude of these youngsters and having the opportunity to get to know the heart of Josh was a beautiful way to start the day.I left a "Trust" rock with Josh and wanted to give a rock to each of the young boys, but they were nowhere to be found.
All the while, Tumbler was running... and I had forgotten to be mindful of my time inside. To my relief (and more praise to God), he was still there purring on the parking lot. Sadly, I still couldn't push the post button to yesterday's highlights, but I was in no rush. I sat in there for over another hour... conversing with God. It was so peaceful in that spot that looked out over the valley and up to the vast mountain range. No desire to rush even if I needed to. I prayed for the church, the people who came here, the world prayer center next to it with flags of every nation/country surrounding the large building, the missionaries who they supported and prayed for, the new comers who were babes in Christ, the children who were being taught about Jesus, the young generation who were being charged to go against the flow of their peers and pressures they face, those who were single and allowing God to be their True Love, the ones who were mentoring others, the elderly who were living their last years with passion for handing down the baton to the generations to follow, and for the pastors and staff of the church and the many roles/responsibilities they embrace with humility and joy. This church had blessed me the last night as well as this morning, and I was just so grateful that God had put a tack on the map for me... knowing that this was where I needed to be.
After some time, I realized I needed to pull the plug... leave out from this spot and leave the hundreds of words of "4th Day" to be re-typed somewhere else. Deep sigh as I shifted Tumbler out of P position and into D. Still, there was a big smile on my face, for I sensed God leading me back to downtown Colorado Springs... to meet new people and re-connect with those I had met yesterday. And I was not disappointed! The noon hour had crowded the streets... with suit-clad business men and women, tourists, hungry locals, and even more hungry homeless people of all ages.
Once a parking spot was located and the meter filled, I ambled to a little coffee joint with free WiFi. I had taken pictures of the lengthy highlights, and it took quite a while to re-type them from the small screen of my camera. The post button pushed and my iced chai tea latte down the hatch, I was off to swap out my laptop for my backpack. As I was unlocking my truck, the nearby parking lot attendant stepped out of this booth and commented me on my physique. He did it in a way that was genuine... and he even told me he wasn't trying to "smooth" with me. We talked through me grabbing my backpack and for the next 15-20min. Found out he loved drawing/sketching... and wanted to do a short animation of me and the rocks. I shrugged and said, "Sure, that'd be cool." Gave him a "Peace" rock and my card to stay in contact.
Omar was his name...he's had Jesus in His heart for many, many years.
There was a bench not far away that had my name all over it.... but first I walked around downtown in hopes of crossing paths with those I had met yesterday. It wasn't long before I saw "Rebel." Well, he saw me first and yelled my name across the street. He was with another homeless guy nicknamed "Cowboy" and they informed me of their mission for the next few hours... one that was quite different from the mission I was on. Rebel was trying to explain to Cowboy what I did, and it was interesting to hear his interpretation: "She looks like one of us, but she's not. Katie gives rocks to people and doesn't care who you are or if you have a lot or nothin'. She's different, but cool." Cowboy scratched his head and under his cowboy hat and said, "Right on." He was on a mission and wanted something else other than a rock with a word like Freedom on it. But Rebel pulled out yesterday's rock from his pocket and flashed it at me as they were walking away. Deep down, he is good man.
To save on words, I'm going to fast forward 4 hours. There were a few interactions with people at the bench, lots of rocks scribed, a few verbal arguments and one fist fight at the corner down from me, a lot more praying, and all the while observing people and avoidance of people who are (or look like they are) homeless.
I had contacted my kindred friend Kelley Leigh to inquire about rolling up their steep driveway. There was so much anticipation to spend quality time with the amazing Leigh family and all the ministry opportunities that God has pre-orchestrated on their home mission field. Contact was made as well as a tentative time that evening to make the trek up the mountain roads to their abode... but there were other things to do downtown before I ventured high uptown.
In those next 4 hours, the one experience that most needs to be testified about is my time at a hidden park. Earlier, Rebel and Cowboy had told me about a "feeding" time and place... Thurs. night chicken in the park. The food bus rolled into this park every Thurs to feed the homeless with chicken and love. I was excited to hear that there were people doing something to help the people on the streets instead of the majority that avoided/ignored them. I really wanted to ask the people who handed out chicken... and meet more of those who were going to eat it. The problem was that the feeding started a 6pm and I needed to be on the road by then to make the trek up the mountains. But I went out to find this park anyway.
It truly was hidden... behind some large buildings. I saw the congregated backpackers, shopping cart pushers, soiled clothed, scraggly haired people under the large pavilion as well as many perched under the scattered trees in the park. Oh to have 3 hours to meander from person to person, gathering stories and leaving them with a rock to add to their few possessions. But I only had 40mins... and knew there would be only one person.
His name was Kelley. His most treasured possession was his bike.
I sat down across from him on the picnic table and asked him if he'd like a real cigarette. (Yes I still smoke... a habit yet to be kicked, but one that often ushers me into the door to have conversations. It's a common ground that enabled me to invite them to a higher ground. It may be a poor witness, but we all have different things we still struggle with... smoking is one of mine.) This small gesture initiated a 40min conversation with Kelley, who has a unique story. He has been riding all over the Western part of the US for many years. He was very expressive with some of his journeys... after he got up to come over to my side of the table and shake my hand (hand clasping my wrist and mine his), he stayed standing in front of me describing his experiences in a charades-like way. His goal this year was to bike up to Alaska. He didn't speak of any family but an uncle... like many on the streets, family is a hard topic to talk about, for many reasons. I told him of my own current mission, and he gave me several knuckles throughout the telling. I asked him if he wanted off the streets and he quickly said, "Not really, but I really do want to get to Alaska to find my uncle before he dies, and then get back on my bike to journey on." Kelley preferred this lifestyle... and loved to ride solo.
I left his with rock that had a heart on it and said "Love Rocks."
Told him if he didn't want the extra weight of it, to give it to someone along the ride, but he said, "Nope, I'm definitely keeping this forever 'cause it's a rock that reminds me I'm loved no matter what."
Kelley was fed more than chicken that night... and I though I left before the poultry bus arrived, I too, was fed by the merging of two people traveling many miles for different missions (but loved by the same God).
Time for Tumbler and I to make the journey up the mountainous road of Route 24 to the amazing Leigh family. I completely missed a turn and followed a road till my eyebrows furrowed in knowing I was way lost. Good thing the reservation time of 7pm wasn't at restaurant, and my friends were more than gracious to give new directions and an open door welcome whenever I arrived. Once on 24, I was blown away by the beauty of the mountains to my left and right (literally 4ft on the right side of Tumbler!). I pulled off the steep, winding road twice because the moisture in my eyes kept accumulating. Snapped a couple pictures after wiping away tears of joy, awe and gratitude. There had been a huge mudslide just a few days ago on this very road I was driving on, and though had been cleared up, this evidence was still on the side of the road.
Pulling up the steep driveway of the grand Leigh abode, I found myself letting out a deep sigh when I shifted Tumbler into P. This felt good... being in a safe place, with a stellar family, with the assurance that much more awesomeness was to follow in these next few days.
I'm so grateful for Kelley and her family.
They are fuel to my soul, for they too are people who grasp the brevity of life and the real purpose and mission of every gift of another day. The whole family are walking witnesses of our loving God. I am blessed to rest here and soak up precious time with them.
I am being ministered to here.
~Unshakable Peace, Love and Purpose~
cling to the Rock ♥
Psalm 18:1-2
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